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Showing posts from June, 2012

Finding Joy

My dear, old, black dog passed away about three weeks ago now.  I surprised myself with some dark days that I hadn't expected.  Seems the mean old dog was more ingrained in our routines than we ever imagined. Byron had seen some little abandoned pups just a few days before Blackie passed away.  He thought a new dog right away was a good idea.  I wasn't so sure. It took us two weeks or so just to get around to finally naming the little critter.  Just before the retreat of this past weekend we more or less chose to call her - Tiny. And what do you do with a little dog that wakes all hours of the night for its milk when a four day retreat comes around?  You have to take it, and its box, and its milk, and its food, and its old sock to chew on. I wasn't sure how any of this would work out.  But in the end it did.  And I even found a little joy in the process...     Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength

Island Trip

My family just had to take me along on a three day trip to an island campground.  I made lots of friends with the boys and girls and learned all about swimming, sticks and the wild, wild world...


The first week I ate a little and slept a little, ate a little and slept a little, and grew a little...

My Daddy

If you follow my blog at all, you may have very well seen these photos of my Daddy before.  These are some of my favorites.  I love my Dad for so many reasons.  I think the #1 on the great list of life is his quiet, loving support of what we do.  It's not easy living far away from your grandchildren, but Daddy takes it all in stride.   Missing you, Dad!  Happy Father's Day!  Counting the day until we can enjoy some face to face time again. Love you,

Found a Home

Here I am.  Just a little babe.  My family found me under a piece of cardboard in an old car tire...

A Good Old Dog

Blackie went to sleep forever on June 4, 2012 after twelve good years as a family dog.