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Showing posts from March, 2014

Pilgrimage Home

This week I traveled with my parents and my husband to the city of my birth, Baltimore, Maryland.  A dear aunt had passed away and we were all able to go up for the funeral.  It was a sad time, but also good to be with family that I had not seen for some time.  After our arrival we were informed that the family would all be going over to a church for a meal together before the viewing hours at the funeral home. Rescued from an old church that was being torn down if I recall correctly. I was overjoyed to find out that the church was none other than the church where we had gone as a family when I was a girl.  Each time I have been able to go to Baltimore I have been able to go by the church, except on my last furlough. After the meal, I asked to walk around the church building.  In the sanctuary I was happy to see the old stained glass window that the church was given some years ago and to find the pew plaque with my uncle and grandmother's names. ...

Spring Fever

We all get the "fever" of being cooped up in the house after days and days of cold wintery weather. That's called "cabin fever." So "spring fever" must be the opposite?  Right?  Longing for the warmth of the sun and for the beauty of flowers blooming here and there.  As a person who has lived in a tropical climate for about 20 years it's hard to get used to the cold and to make myself go outside to play in the snow.  But this week I took the plunge and went outside to play in the little snow that fell.  I wasn't out for toooo long, but enough to say I did it and I had a good time. That's all for now.  Just a little post to fill the space between inspirational messages and silly nonsense on this little blog... more later.