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Showing posts from April, 2014

Missionary of the Year, 2014

Our award for the missionary of the year goes to a man who was born to military parents - both mother and father served in the U.S.Army.  Our recipient this year was born at Fort Benning Military Hospital in Georgia as a result.  He actually grew up, however, in Eden, North Carolina.  There he attended Emmanuel Baptist Church and made a decision to accept Christ as a child with the help of his Sunday School teacher. While in junior high school his father answered the call to missions work in the country of Brazil.  Visas were hard to come by in the late seventies and the family waited for several years to be approved.  Each year our candidate remembers telling friends he was going to Brazil soon, and each year he was back for classes in the fall until at the age of fifteen he finally moved with his family to Fortaleza, Brazil. As his mother and father went to begin language study, our man and his sister started classes at Fortaleza Academy in late Octobe...

A Favorite Photo from 1994

National Cathedral, Washington, DC