Dear Friends, Byron and I have delayed our return to Brazil as some of you are already aware. Many of you know that during our twenty years of service in Brazil we have always taken short 6 - 8 month furloughs with only one full year of furlough. We have also almost always stayed for more than four years at a time. So we have at the counsel of several of our supporting pastors the decision to stay on for a few more months. William has already returned to Sobradinho and is living in our home, working in the congregation and working with Timothy Reiner for a few days each week in Petrolina. We hope to rejoin William by early December, 2014. Our son, Dalton, is the main reason we have extended our time in the States. Dalton will be remaining in the States to finish out his senior year of high school and start a career. Pray with us for all the details of his time in the USA. We know that many have been praying for Dalton specificall...
Just a mama trying to bloom where she is planted in the dry Northeast of Brazil.