I recently heard conversation about a pastor who said basically that he doesn't sit down to pray any more and wanted to change up the traditional mid-week prayer meeting at his church to not include any sort of small prayer groups or an open public request time. Why? His reasons included some of the following - God's almighty and will do what He wants regardless of my constant nagging, group prayer times are mostly gossip sessions, public request opportunities often get long and detailed with one or two hogging the time. Wow! Whoa! Okay? No Way! So is group church prayer out of date? Does prayer make a difference for God? Or, can we change an infinite God's mind? 1. Is the traditional group prayer meeting out of date? Maybe! In our little Brazilian congregation on Wednesday nights we have a short devotional Bible study and a time for spoken praises and prayer requests, then we divide into small groups for a period of joi...
Just a mama trying to bloom where she is planted in the dry Northeast of Brazil.