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Showing posts from April, 2019

The Beauty of the Semi-Arid

Where we live, it hardly ever rains.   The dirt is mostly sand. Things are brown and most plants have some sort of thorn. But in the midst of the dry and the not so colorful,  there is much beauty. Everywhere we look,  we can see the hand of God in creation. Sometimes you have to look a little harder  than you might in other places. It might require some patience,  but it's there... Seems many give up on the Sertão [Brazil's semi-arid Northeast Region], but if you are willing to look and patient enough to stick it out - you can indeed find beauty! O Lord , how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions— O Lord my God, You are very great: You are clothed with honor and majesty,   Who cover Yourself with light as with a garment, Who stretch out the heavens like a curtain.   He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters, Who makes...

Crazy Experience

And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you,  he shall by no means lose his reward.   Matthew 10:42 On any given day I have at least one person clapping at my gate.  Some are regulars.  Some are poor.  Some are homeless.  Some are jobless.  Some are street vendors.  Some are mentally challenged in some way.  Some ask for money, some for food, some for a cup of water.  Some I've learned their names.  Some are regulars.  Some I never see again. I decided long ago when my boys were little that I wanted to be an example of kindness and respect to all the people that pass by.  It's not always easy.  Sometimes it's inconvenient.  And yes, sometimes I have little patience.  But I try. Recently one of our all time regulars has been showing up every day.  Asking him his name was always complicated.  I had heard him...

An Afternoon Off

Sometimes as missionaries we really just need a day off, but finding the time is hard.  Two weeks ago I was feeling that need for a big city grocery store.  Byron had a whole list of car parts and boat parts and project parts that he needed and could only get in the "big city."  I tagged along with a good book and my cell phone to wait it out while he hit the parts stores so I could have my hour at the mall in town.  It was worth the wait.   We just can't get some things in the little interior town where we live.  A trip to the big city can be refreshing.  It can also be disappointing as even there often what you want to out of stock, no longer available, etc., etc.  It's like a snipe hunt and you never know what you will find.  Thankfully that day, our finds were good and "happy." Taking off a day to just do nothing, now that's a rare thing.  It's also a hard thing.  Missionaries are paid to work, and we take that very serio...