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Showing posts from June, 2019

Happy 32!

Last week Byron and I celebrated our wedding anniversary without a lot of fanfare.  No roadside billboards this year!  No kids at home to leave behind for a date night.  Just us.   On the actual day, Thursday, May 30, I was feeling super under the weather.  Somewhere I picked up a bad sore throat bug. But I drug myself out of my sick bed to head off to the big city for a happy lunch at the mall with Byron and our bestest pals, Jonas and Andressa.   We enjoyed a walk around the airconditioned mall and did a little big town shopping before heading home to eat a frozen pizza (warmed up, of course) and renting a YouTube movie for the occasion.   Marriage isn't all honeymoon, fancy dates and extravagant vacations.  It's all about the little things that make you happy to be together and content.  I'm glad for a man that surprises me from time to time with wild and crazy events, but who also knows how to stay at home and just del...