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Showing posts from December, 2019

Winter Prayer Letter by Byron

P.S.:  Michele here... I didn't get this letter up earlier and hence some of the news that was to happen has already taken place like the missions trip and gift campaign.   Greetings: December 2019 Well, the hot weather is upon us. Toward the end of the year we get some hot days, usually preceding rain. This week I registered 105 in the shade before 11 AM. At 6:30 I was already sweating. And anyone who cracks "It's a DRY heat" hasn't see my shirt!  There isn't a dry patch on it. I don't usually mind during the day but night is tougher. It's almost enough to make me turn the fan up to high.  fixing a flat on a recent trip Almost. It's so hot I actually have to quench the parts in water BEFORE I weld instead of after. In fact, I don't even need a welder to weld. I just move the parts out of the shade for 10 minutes or until lightly brown, turn, repeat, and it's done. I am getting to be a less bad welder from all the experie...

When It Seems God Isn't Listening...

About three weeks ago I asked for prayer at church and on a Facebook page of mine about prayer for a friend.  She had been to the doctor because of some stomach pains.  The doctor suggested it might be cancer, tests were scheduled and a date set for chemotherapy to start.  Doctors spoke of the severity of the situation and alerted the family that chemo would only extend her life for more months.  No one at that moment considered that she would only have a few more days.  Friends all over the world began to pray for more time with family, for more months to organize things, and for the possibility of a cure. Winston-Salem, 1998, first furloughs 55 days after that first doctor's visit, my friend passed away.  Did God not hear my prayers? Everything was so hard to understand.  It all happened so quickly.  She was the mother of three young adults, 2 girls and one young man.  One of the daughters got married not too long ago.  The o...