See that fellow in the middle with a teeth smile? I first met him in 2010 here in Sobradinho, Bahia, Brazil. We had a missions team coming from the USA in conjunction with other missionaries. One of the things on the list for the group to do was children's activities. Somehow we thought a camp for boys and girls out on the then-still-in-use Treasure Island Camp would be a great idea. It was a crazy idea! We had a horrible time convincing mother's to let us "take" their children. Many were certain we, the Americans, were going to haul their precious babes off to slave labor in the states or worse. At one point we had no kids signed up and the clock was ticking before our team would fly in. Somehow we had to find children. I felt like the person in the Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang movie who went through the streets looking for boys and girls with his wagon while all the parents hid their littles ones... what to do. In the midst...