Aline and me Last month a pastor's wife from a church across the big lake invited to speak at a small event for the ladies of their women's missionary society group. It was meant to be a final moment for their calendar year and she suggested that I speak about gratitude especially in like of what has been one crazy year. I first met Aline when her husband assumed the pastorate not long before the big bad pandemic took over the world. Our actual physical encounters had been few when everything went haywire. But, because of Umbrella Prayers our virtual communication and our joint prayer time has been much over the past nine months. Ladies from my town that went along. My Umbrella Prayer assistant, Anne Sibele is by my side. I think it's amazing that as Christian women we were able to find a way to pray together from opposite sides of great big lake while in isolation due to a worldwide lockdown. Love does find a way, and we can be grateful ...