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Showing posts from March, 2021

The Peniel Quartet


From the Archives of Time

  Sent from a friend who is updating an old book called Ladies of Grace.  I have to admit when she sent the request for a review of what I had written, I had no clue, just a faint little bit of a memory.   Ah, but this verse has rung true throughout my life.  Job 23:10 - But   He knows the way that I take; When   He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.  Even in times of calamity, God is good and He is real.   Going to be going over this verse again over the next few days, and considering what it means for me today, this year and in this place.   

Ministry in Uncertain Times

  Gongorra, March 12,2021 Last year at the beginning of the Big Mess no one really knew how long it would all last, and what would become of church and missions.  It was a year of "What are we allowed to do this week?"  For several months, the answer was:  "Not much!"  The big thrust of our interior work previously had involved lots of personal contact with people with home Bible studies and visits.  So, what were we to do? Byron was able to continue Bible study lessons with one young lady through the cell phone app called Whatsapp.   M any interior communities have fair Internet via radio signals and antennas.   Most have no cell phone coverage, so it wasn't an option for all. As things opened up some, we were able to use the time to make some "no-contact" mapping trips to complete Byron's work to plot all the dirt roads in our area with information about each community.  Occasionally we were able to do a little evangelism with our cute...

March Video Letter