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Showing posts from September, 2021

Peniel Student Report [short printable version]


Report from Pedro Henrique

  It's the beginning of the second semester already.  Now I am more used to the routine.  In this first module, I learned about the part two of the panorama that runs from Romans to Revelation. I also had Portuguese 2, a very important subject.  If you manage your language well, you will be able to speak and communicate the message of the good news of the Gospel.  I also had Hermeneutics this time, the study of the word of God, How to study with a method called OIA (observe, interpret and apply) was the best subject for me in this first module of the second semester.  I also enjoyed a great study of various sects and heresies. My practical work assignments in the afternoon are amazing. Painting, sweeping, cooking, cleaning, all my jobs are amazing and have taught me much, especially those in which I was less involved previously.  We have leisure time on Tuesday afternoons, which is usually time for soccer. Unfortunately, I broke my foot about a week ag...

Report from Bruno Holanda

Hi, here at Peniel, this second semester has been very fruitful. This time I managed to organize my time better.  I made an agenda, and I am dedicating myself more to my subjects, and I am managing to do other studies as well, which are both personal and topics in which I am interested. The place I most like to stay is the library because I know that one day I will no longer have the opportunity to be here studying and having access to this range of information and books. God has been supplying monthly school bill needs, although I am not receiving many extra funds for personal needs.   I'm looking forward to my wedding that will be in December.  I cannot fail to comment on that!  It is very important for all to have an idea of what is to come for me, which is a family that wants to surrender to God to take the Gospel to others. Thank you so much for your prayers, and may God bless each one of you.

Report from Felipe Kairon

News from one of the fellows studying at the New Tribes of Brazil's Peniel Bible Institute!


Byron and I were living in Fortaleza in September of 2001. Greyson was one. Dalton had just turned four, and William was almost six. At the time we lived in the only house we ever bought in our own name.  It was a cute house on the end of one block long, one-way street. The street had originally been a "gated community," but the gate had long been removed. We visited the house in 2016 We had looked long and hard for that house. One day we drove down the little street house hunting. I thought it was the perfect distance from the church. The house on the end looked to be just right for our family. Alas, there was no for sale sign. I begged Byron to just get out and ask if the people didn't want to sell it. He did. They did. We bought it. Most of the people on the little street had lived there for some time. We were kindly welcomed and made friends with several families. I think they liked the fame we brought them as foreigners living on their little block. We were invited t...

Fall Peniel Student Report