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Showing posts from May, 2022

Young and In Love

  That was us in 1986 or so, a year before we got married. Young, very much in love, with little idea of what the future held. Oh, we had plans -- to be missionaries in Brazil! And that goal, that call divine has kept us going  and held us together through thick and thin. Thank you, God, for today and for another year of marriage! 1987 - 2022 35 years! Older and still in love!

Sad Brownie

  This is the face of a sad dog.  Why is she sad?  Mama and Papa have been away in the interior for too many days this month.  Brownie lives to be near people.  She thrives on attention.  Being petted is her favorite pastime.  She needs love and constant care. We have been spending quite a bit of time since our first Bible study in the little rented house in Lage dos Negros a few weeks back.   First, we were getting things ready like painting the front porch.  Then we stayed over for the Sunday out air market to sell Bibles and meet more people. Poor little Brownie! The other dogs don't seem to be as affected as our crazy black dog.  Even the cat is okay for the most part.  Ah, but with cats it's hard to say! What do you think?  I think the cat is trying to act nonchalant.  Pray for us as we try to reach out to more people in Lage with our Friday night praise and study time.  This week will be our fifth. ...