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Showing posts from May, 2023

Living in the There and Then

People ask me all the time here in Brazil and even there in the USA, when are you retiring to be with your grandchildren?  Goodness, what a loaded question?  If I say, Never, people will think I don't even love or care about my three grandbabes and one grandcat.  If I say, tomorrow, some will think my missionary call is rather vague and limited. What a toss-up?  Do I love my babes and my stateside grandcat?  Well, yes!  What sort of a horrid question is that!  Do I think about them and pray for them every day?  Yup!  Would I like to live next-door and enjoy their presence on a regular basis?  You bet!  Even the cat! So when are you going?  Haha!  When my work in Brazil is done, that's going to be my new answer.   In the mean time, I pray.  I write real letters.  I send gifts.  I make short trips.  I send little messages.  I make video letters.  I plan for furloughs.  But I can't...

Gramma in the USA

Gramma in Brazil took a little trip to the land of the Mighty Missipp.  Watch the video to find out all about it.  Please remember that these video letters are made for my grandchildren.  They are meant to be a little silly and aren't really for showing as a report of what we do on the mission field, although you may enjoy them just the same.