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Showing posts from January, 2024

Peniel News: Adrielly and Clarinha

If you would like to have this letter in a PDF to print for your church, leave a comment or send me a message. 

Holidays Far From Loved Ones

Years ago holidays for our missionary family were spent with other expat missionary families.  When our boys were small and we lived in the big city of Fortaleza, there were always special plays and holiday programs at the school for missionary children.  Even after we moved to Bahia there were plenty of missionary families to share in the festivities and with whom we could enjoy a Thanksgiving meal or a Christmas dinner or a New Year's brunch.   A few years we had family from the USA here in Brazil.  That was always exciting for our boys.  Nowadays the pickings are slim.  There just aren't any more families around and our own boys are all in the United States.   As missionary empty nesters the holidays can seem rather unexciting. 2017 In 2017 we were in the States for the holidays and dear family friends went along with us for Christmas.  That was an incredible year.  We saw and enjoyed snow. In 2018 we were back in Brazil and...