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Showing posts from April, 2024

50 Days

  In 50 days I'm supposed to be ready to get on a jet plane and fly to North Carolina.  Whew.  The list of crazy things to take care of before we can leave the country just got a little longer with the results of a recent eye exam for Byron.  I have to say that I was feeling a little dizzy last week!  But I'm working on faith and trust. Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. My "paths:" Gotta get cataract surgery, two to be exact in the next 50 days. Gotta get ready for a missions team of three basketball players coming in 22 days for a two week stay.  Yes, I plan to put them to work. Gotta go to a weekend conference in another state in 3 days, and hurry back for the first eye surgery. Gotta get the house ready for a live-in pet sitter, and settle all the details. Gotta get the documents for a future church property. Gotta ge...

April 2024 Letter

  I think I missed March.  I'm not really sure where it went.  Perhaps it came in like a lamb and left like a lion?   Anyhooo, here's a new video letter from Gramma Michele for her grandkiddos and her one grandcat. I'm a-counting the days until I get to hug each one again.  Ok, it I may have to build back up again before I hug the cat.  Somebody look for good coupons on cat treats for bribes. Today makes 67 before we arrive!

O Sertão

    Imagine a place where it just doesn't rain sometimes for years on end.  That's the Sertão of Northeast Brazil.  It's a unique biome the size of Texas and makes up 10% of the country. Day-time temperatures can reach more than 100 degrees Farenheit  in the hot months of December and January. Imagine a place where most of the plants are cactuses and thorn bushes.  That's the Sertão!  Plants need those prickly parts so animals don't eat them up in the dry times.  Even many trees have thorns! Imagine a place where most roads have no pavement at all.  That's the Sertão!  Actually all of Brazil only have around 20% of its road system paved, but that number decreases to around 10% in the dry Northeast. But all along those dirt paths there are small communities where few missionaries go.  Communities, farms, and small cities can be found with few churches of any kind let alone a Baptist.  People live and work and exist with a unique...