Byron and I have been on the field for over 30 years. I try to give newcomers to my life the benefit of the doubt when they start asking questions. It seems though that some questions are always the same... Do you speak Portuguese? Do you like Brazil? How long have you lived here? What do you do? Do you ever visit the USA? Those aren't too bad to answer and make lots of sense when you meet a freckled faced lady that doesn't seem to belong in your part of the backlands. The silly questions that always make me cringe are more from people I know and lately the same ones keep popping up... When are you going to retire? Don't you miss your grandchildren and boys? How long to you plan to keep working in missions? Haven't you been here long enough? When are you going back to the USA? For the public record I thought today I would just answer some of these repetitive questions that people often ask here in Brazil and even in the USA. First of all, when do we plan t...
Just a mama trying to bloom where she is planted in the dry Northeast of Brazil.