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Showing posts from July, 2012

Clean Up!

This week I'm cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.  Cleaning up the house, cleaning up the schoolroom, cleaning up my life.  Today I've deleted two misc., little read blogs (Yes, I exported them first) and cancelled my membership on several little used sites.  Cutting done and throwing out things is an important part of life from time to time.  All my Tiny's Tale posts can now be seen here on this blog.  Anyone looking for the Atha School Essays entries can find them on the main Atha School for Boys blog. Seems my life is segmented in four year slots and close to the end of each slot, I get the itchy, need-to-clean feeling that starts the process of preparing for the great furlough packing rush.  I'm not sure that this might be the beginning of those feelings to get ready... Take care!

More Photos - Girls' Retreat

Girls' Retreat

Last week found us with twenty-one girls heading out to the island for a three day retreat.  This was a special group with about ten young ladies from one school of our little hometown.  These ten along with about that many from another nearby town were to participate in our first ever ESL event on the island.  Stories were told in half English and half Portuguese.  Choruses were taught and sung in English.  Counselors were English speakers from the States.  All in all it seemed to go well. Sadly, I've been super busy all month getting ready for this retreat and the restart of my ESL classes this week, and now I have the start of homeschooling looming in the near future.  Will try to post more retreat photos and a little story later this week! Yours,

Pretty on a Pillow?

What can I say?  I love the smell of a good shoe!

Laundry Queen

Just call me a laundry fanatic!  I love all those dirty clothes, especially socks!

May I have a little more, please...

Working on Dreams

Just a little inspiration for my day as I work on schedules and menus and plans for an upcoming retreat...


I'm learning that teeth are not usually a polite part of this shaking stuff...

Far Away

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes

What can I say, I have a shoe fetish perhaps...