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Showing posts from March, 2013

Grateful for Prayer and Answers

It was a long, rough day.  I got up at 4:30 am to get coffee made and a light breakfast on the table.  We were out the door around 5:30 am and got to the boat before 6.  Ice and crates had to be loaded on to the boat as well as other equipment. We got to the island by 8:00 am and work started right away.  Everyone worked hard and long with a stop for lunch around 1 in the afternoon and then back to work until all the fish were cleaned and ready to go at around 4:30 pm.  Everyone got in a little rest on the trip back only to have to unload the boat in the dark when we arrived a little after 6.  2000 tilapia were brought in this Friday from the floating cages at the island. Many of my prayers for the venture were answered in a positive way:  safety, good weather, happy workers and a good harvest. Thank you, Lord, for all your blessings on this day. This is just what I did on the way home from the island on Friday.  I just sat back an...

Sweet Homemade Pickles

Good pickles are hard to come by in Northeastern Brazil.  Sometimes we can find some little sour gherkins in one particular store in the big city, sometimes not.  Just finding good cucumbers to make pickles is trick. The best cucumbers are called Japanese cucumbers.  They are long and skinny without too many seeds.    Last week on a trip to town, my dear man found some great cucumbers at a little chic veggie store where I like to go in the big city.  So it was time to make more pickles.  Sadly I knew when my sweetie called to ask about the cucumbers that my pickling spices from the US of A were all gone. I got online and looked for "make your own pickling spice" to see what sort of stuff really goes in those mixes.  I bought what I could and added a few things I thought sounded good.  Voila!  The pickles were approved by all and smell great.  Now, if I could just remember what I threw in that pot! Here's what spic...

Oh the Joys of Motherhood

I saw a crazy post on facebook just like this and reworked it for me in my situation.  All three of my boys were born in Brazil... First born 1995 BIRTH ORDER OF CHILDREN   1st baby:   I left my appointment when the doctor confirmed my pregnancy and went straight to the                 maternity clothes shop.   (This was in NC before the birth of my first. Lost two pregnancies before coming to Brazil.)   2nd baby: I wore regular clothes for as long as possible.   3rd baby: Some of my maternity clothes WERE my regular clothes. Preparing for the Birth:   1st baby: I read everything I could about natural birth and breastfeeding.   2nd baby: I was so busy with the toddler at my feet that I didn't much of any thing.   3rd baby: I was just ready to get that baby out and spend some quiet time in the hospital for a few days. The Layette:   1st baby: I pre-washed newborn ...

MK Growing Up

Seems my life is changing every moment with the growth of my boys.  Just a few years ago I wondered how I would get all the cloth diapers washed each day.  Now I wonder where my boys are and where they are going.  All my priorities seem to have been thrown into a salad bowl and gently tossed - with seasoning! Thank goodness years ago as I washed all those diapers, I prayed over each one.  I prayed as I as washed, as I hung them out to dry and as I carefully folded each one, and as I pinned them on sweet little rear ends.  I prayed as they were little that God would use each one in His service and specifically on a foreign field.  This year I'm beginning to see the fruit of all that prayer time over all those diapers.  {By the way, each of my boys was nursed to about two years of age and cloth diapered.  Often wearing nothing but in the warm days of Brazil.} Warrior William Our oldest boy made the decision after the missions emphasis of...