It was a long, rough day. I got up at 4:30 am to get coffee made and a light breakfast on the table. We were out the door around 5:30 am and got to the boat before 6. Ice and crates had to be loaded on to the boat as well as other equipment. We got to the island by 8:00 am and work started right away. Everyone worked hard and long with a stop for lunch around 1 in the afternoon and then back to work until all the fish were cleaned and ready to go at around 4:30 pm. Everyone got in a little rest on the trip back only to have to unload the boat in the dark when we arrived a little after 6. 2000 tilapia were brought in this Friday from the floating cages at the island. Many of my prayers for the venture were answered in a positive way: safety, good weather, happy workers and a good harvest. Thank you, Lord, for all your blessings on this day. This is just what I did on the way home from the island on Friday. I just sat back an...
Just a mama trying to bloom where she is planted in the dry Northeast of Brazil.