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Showing posts from April, 2020

Together in Prayer, Called by Christ

This study was presented for a virtual event on April 24, 2020 in the middle of the "Great Quarantine" here in Brazil.  It was meant to encourage women who were asking questions about biblical end times' events. If you have upon this blog, feel free to read the devotional and use it as you need. 

Together in Prayer, Confident in Christ

The Sombrinhas de Oração (Umbrella Prayers)  ladies of Brazil hosted this fourth Saturday morning  study and prayer time of the Covid-19 Pandemic, on  Saturday, April 18th. This event was a self guided study.   Feel free to read the devotional, and use it as you wish  giving credit where credit is due.

Together in Prayer, Content in Christ

On Saturday, April 11, 2020, the ladies of the Umbrella Prayers group in Brazil [ Sombrinhas de Oração ]  hosted this third virtual Bible study and prayer time to encourage our followers during the Covid-19 Pandemic.