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Showing posts from May, 2021

Prayer for a Babe

  Gramma Michele hasn't met this little cousin of our two grandchildren yet, but I just get teary-eyed thinking about him.  Today he's having surgery to fix a cleft palate and his little ear tubes.   If you see this today, say a big prayer for a little fellow.  Just call him Baby K.  God knows the rest.   Pray for complete recovery and for those who are caring for him these days. My umbrella prayer says that God is Strong.  The verse I chose is the first part of Genesis 18:14 - Is there any thing too dificult for God?  My answer - There is not!   May God allow this little one to grow up loved and adored.  May God bring him to salvation on just the right day.  May he be healthy and recover quickly from this surgery.   Thank you, God.   Gramma Michele

Video Letter from Gramma: Somebody's Birthday...

  You're the man of the hour!  Happy birthday to you this Sunday!  Hope you enjoy this video message of love!

Peniel Student Report: May 2021


May Flowers

  May?  How can it be?  March winds have blown us right past April and threw us into May without a thought.  Yet, here we are.  March was full of crazy Covid restrictions here that changed every week and were different here and there.  It seemed the rules were modified according to the breeze of the day.  Now official curfews and travel limitations are based on the percentage of available ICU hospital beds.  That number fluctuates but at least it isn't so random. Currently we are on the road every Tuesday and Friday.  On Tuesdays we go to one community named Abreus.  It's about two hours down dirt roads.  The distance is only about 50 miles, but the roads slow down the ride.  We usually go in our 4x4 Mitsubishi Pajero and take 3 - 5 young people along from the congregation in Sobradinho. It's a community with about 60 houses.  Recently the skies have been beautiful with big clouds as our rainy season has been trying to han...