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Showing posts from November, 2011

Worth It

good friends great messages special music prayer time                         "I don't think it's really worth my time."  "Ah, it's going to be so hot."  "I don't have the money."  "Oh, I have so much to do."  "I can't leave my family to fend for themselves all day long."  Oh, oh, oh!  Excuses, excuses... I hear them every time I rally the ladies of our congregation to head off for an area-wide ladies' meeting.  Usually I end up going alone or with just one or two others.  Wednesday four women and two girls went along with me to the 51st Meeting of the Regular Bapitst Women of the Sao Francisco Valley.  We had a blast!  More than 160 ladies were present for the meeting.  It was worth it!        

November Joy

I love Novembers.  My Grandma Beckner's birthday was in November.  Mine is, too! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Fall leaves are divine.  Something I miss while outside of the States. In Brazil where we live it's the winding down month of the year with schools getting out in early December for the year. It's just a month before Christmas! This November is going to be a super month!