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Showing posts from February, 2012

Me and My Shadows

All the work of Carnaval Retreat is done.  Two days of shopping, one day of packing and prep at home, one day of early arrival to prep on the island and host 30 early arrivers, four days of actual camp, whew!  We hosted around 150 campers and "os demais" - pastors, workers, etc.  In the midst of all the frustrations and plain hard work, I allowed myself the joy of some shadows - Idson, Jadiel and Nataly.  Jadiel is my little bud from past retreats.  His grandfather is the island caretaker and his mother frequently works in the kitchen as she did this past weekend.  Jadiel and I enjoyed plenty of quality time together - sometimes a little too much. He helped me on two afternoons to make cake to sell in the canteen.  Since he was my official partner in business, I took the opportunity to instill lots about work ethics, capitalism, economics and love! Would you pray for all my little shadows, but especially for my litte shadow and culinary student...

A Rock with My Name

Job 28:10 He cuts out channels in the rocks , And his eye sees every precious thing. Psalm 78:35 Then they remembered that God was their rock , And the Most High God their Redeemer. Revelation 2:17 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone , and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it. On our family vacation I walked with three friends up the tallest mountain peak in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco.  It was a rocky path with a one lane road of large cobblestone.  The little road went up and down as it meandered to the top of the peak at 4134 feet.  The hike took us three hours and about ten minutes.  We could not have walked much faster if we had wanted for watching where we had to step with all the cracks and crevices between the large rocks in the road and for the occasional super stee...


All my guys are good looking fellows.  I just love this photo from our family vacation two weeks ago.  Byron and William just happened to be standing near each other as we all meandered around the top of the highest mountain in Pernambuco.

Everyday Beauty

We're home after a week of traveling.  Had a great time.  Snapped this colorful line of laundry along a mountain road in Pernambuco.  It's one of my favorite photos from our trip.  Simple, everyday, common! Check out my other blogs for news of our trip @ Up A Mountain Mountain Retreat Take care!