Fall Foliage:
We got to go up to the Parkway for a church picnic earlier this month. Leaves weren't quite ready yet on that weekend but temps were already dropping and we all about froze to death - that's fall - a drop in temperaures!
We got to go as a family to the Dixie Classic Fair this month and the boys got to enjoy the rides while the Mama and the Papa walked around with friends looking at all those big giant vegetables and horses and what not. Dalton and Mama even got chosen to participate in a crazy hypnotic comedian routine.
On another drive to see the peak of fall foliage we met up with a man who makes wooden and reed flutes. He was set up at the Moses Cone house along the parkway. Greyson and Papa had walked away when they redecided and went back to make a purchase. Of course, then we had to listen to a flute recital all the way back to Reidsville, but it was well worth it, and the leaves were pretty good, too. Greyson and Papa walked down to see Linville Falls and we all hiked up to the tip top of
Mount Mitchell.
We've been working really hard on doing things together as a family. It doesn't always have to mean long car rides and lots of money spent. Sometimes it's throwing a football in the front yard or flying remote control helicopters or just having fun on the way to a music lesson. It does enough time and should always include happy fun moments.
A happy family plays together - and prays together, too!
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