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Showing posts from November, 2014

Grateful Heart

Dalton and a friend earlier this year Tomorrow marks another Thanksgiving... another birthday for me, and a mama with a burdened, but grateful heart. Two weeks ago, our middle boy left for boarding school where he will be staying as the rest of the family heads off to Brazil in a few short days.  Tomorrow as we sit eating turkey and pie without him at the table, and without our oldest who is now in Brazil alone for the holiday, we might not feel overwhelming in the spirit of the holiday. But we can be grateful, nonetheless, for each one of our boys.  We can be glad that Dalton is in a great place with great people.  He is safe and sound. He is in a wonderful school with individual attention.  He is well cared for everyday. As my mama heart is heavy tomorrow, it can still be glad and grateful... and I humbly pray for other fellows out on the streets of Reidsville over the holiday weekend who have no family that cares for them, no warm place to lay their h...

Woe or Wow?

This furlough I was privileged to participate in a couple of incredible Bible studies at the church we lived beside - Community Baptist of Reidsville.  This week ended lessons in the Beth Moore study about 1 & 2 Thessalonians.  I chose not to purchase the book, but did work on handwriting the chapters of both Thessalonians.  Ended up not completing the last two chapters as life got rather hairy these past three weeks.  In fact I've missed the past three weeks in a row of the study because of this wild, crazy month...but the studies were great.  I took notes each time and learned much. The last lesson was focused on 2 Thessalonians 3:  1-3 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you,  and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith. But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one. As part of the...

Old Photo Tuesday

Can you guess who and where?