Summer 1982 Yeah, that's your father and me - a few years back. It was one of the best summers I can remember. We spent several weeks with our grandmother, Sarah Agnes Mullennax. Sometimes we stayed with her in her little apartment. Sometimes we stayed with our cousin, Karen. I think you've been to my Uncle Regene's house in Baltimore, not sure if you remember him. Over the years, your father and I had a rocky relationship. When we were little there was some good old physical abuse betweenst us. Yes, the spell checker doesn't like that "betweenst" word, but that's ok - it exists. We got in trouble more than once for fussing at each other in rather loud voices and with rather fast fists. But we knew when to stand up for each other while out and about in the neighborhood. I remember once at my cousin Karen's old house in town when a bunch of kids wanted to beat me and Karen up. Little Wesley took them all on and ran them all off....