March was a wild and long month for this little, hard working mother. It was my second full month of my new job and included numerous trips to town at the crack of dawn to figure out how to get a Brazilian work card. The school where I am teaching in the big city requires it and getting it turned out to be a not so easy task. I made a total of five trips into town to take care of the "simple" task.
Adding to all my stress was an unforeseen medical procedure at the end of February which wore down my defenses on all levels - setting me up for the long, wild month of March. Multiply all that about a million times with the upcoming departure of our oldest for the States. Tired + Stressed + Pre-Grieving = U.M.M. {Unhappy Missionary Mama} But somehow with lots of TLC from my family, I made it through the seemingly long month - to be rewarded with a happy pre-departure memory moment with my boy.
One of my little joys on this spot of the globe in which I find myself - is riding the ferry between the two cities of our nearby metropolis of Petro/Juazeiro. The cities of Petrolina and Juazeiro are on oppositie banks of the mighty Sao Francisco River. There is a big bridge between the two and ferries that carry people during the day. When I have the time to shop in both downtowns, it's the way to go!
This day was the one on which I finally received in hand my Brazilian work card. I had a fresh, new document in my hand, a little bit of mulaah and a friend to walk the long streets by my side - William. We had a great time looking for some things he wanted to take back to America and - we rode the ferry!
It was just another day, a long one at that. But it was the kind of day to remember in months to come as we grieve for the daily companionship of our boy going off to school and life. It's a part of missionary life - always telling people "good-bye." We can spend a lot of time analyzing it all - the whys and hows. OR, we can enjoy the little memory moments, take some silly self portraits on ferries and ENJOY.
Don't get me wrong. I'm going to be grieving in about a month. But I'm working hard to leave my sad times for later and enjoy the moments together while my boy is still close by!
If you would like to read more about grief, good-byes and missionary stresses, check out this good summary @ Velvet Ashes
Pre or Post Griever?
Lamentations 3:32
Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love.
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