Wherever Grandaddy goes, he fixes things: bikes, boats, boys. His t-shirt says "Just Fix It." When your Daddy, Wesley, and I were little we lived in Baltimore, Maryland. We had three uncles who were Grandma's brothers - Uncle Duane, Uncle Regene, and Uncle Leon. Each one had a wife who would have been our aunt. Here they are in order: Aunt Needie, Aunt Fran, and Aunt Shirley. I think you boys have met Uncle Regene. I don't know about the others. We had quite a few cousins, too. All the uncles would get Grandad to help with the engines on their boats. Baltimore is right on the Chesapeake Bay. All the uncles had boats and would go out fishing and cruising around on the bay. Grandad knew a lot about boat engines from his time in the Coast Guard as a mechanic. Once a bunch of us were out on one of the boats and ended up stranded with a engine problem. I don't remember what the problem was, but I rememb...