Believe in Joy

 "You Have to Believe in Happiness"

“You have to believe in happiness,
Or happiness never comes.
I know that a bird chirps none the less
 When all that he finds is crumbs.

You have to believe the buds will blow,
Believe in the grass in the days of snow.
Ah, that’s the reason a bird can sing,
On his darkest day he believes in Spring.

You have to believe in happiness—
It isn’t an outward thing.
The Spring never makes the song, I guess,
As much as the song the Spring.

Aye, many a heart could find content
If it saw the joy on the road it went,
The joy ahead when it had to grieve,
For the joy is there—but you have to believe.”

Douglas Malloch


Where do I find my joy?  

In my work?  In my family?  In my collections and hobbies?

Scriptures tell us to look to God for our hope and joy...

1 Chronicles 16:10

Find joy in his holy name; 

let the hearts of those who keep on seeking the Lord rejoice.


Psalm 43: 4

Then I will approach the altar of God, 

even to God in whom my joy finds its source. 

Then I will praise you with the lyre, God, my God


So what about you and me?  I spent a close to two years with a situation that left me ragged, worn and weary with little reason to find joy.  Some days were dark, as well as many nights.  What kept me going?  

  • Written daily gratitudes for all things positive for each day

  • Volunteer work with my church and a local high school

  • Prayer and scripture reading and meditation

  • Random runs to my favorite department store

  • Chats with friends and family on rough days 

  • Giving myself over to God and the direction of my husband


Every day wasn't perfect and every moment did not find me with a joyful smile on my face but a hope for future joy allowed me to make it through one day at a time.  If you are facing an overwhelming situation, I encourage you to find the joy in each moment and work hard to leave the problem with God.  Look for help and don't be afraid to ask for it.  Keep doing good and don't give up!

2 Chronicles 6:41

“And now may the Lord God arise, to your place of rest, you, and the ark of your power! Let your priests, Lord God, be clothed with salvation, and cause your godly ones to find their joy in what is good.

p.s.  I'd like to add the importance of listening to uplifting music all throughout the day.  While in the States, I enjoyed the many Christian radio channels that are available while driving about and in the home where we stayed.  Driving with the radio volume way up and the windows down can change a person's outlook even when you are on your way to a sad meeting.

Good resource about how to live with more gratitude...


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