Today my oldest turns 23! Whew! It's been an incredible year for him and I was so pleased to spend a good part of it nearby. We got to be in the USA for Christmas last year and for William's wedding to the lovely Kerri Potter.
Our whole furlough was full of many happy reminders of how proud we are of each of our sons. This photo from the wedding is just one of many that make me smile from 2018.
William, I am especially very proud of you individually. You made it through homeschooling with your missionary mama as your teacher at home and Sunday School teacher at church.
You became a missionary at an early age and made it official at the age of 18 when you filled in for your parents on the field, all on your own, for six months. And you did well!
You figured out life in the States with flair and with little help from mama and papa. You've proven yourself worthy over and over. Keep up the good work, buddy!
Be diligent to present yourself
approved to God,
a worker who does not need to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15
Your missionary mama loves you!
You are making a beautiful legacy
for the Atha name and for Christ!
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