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Letter to a Girlfriend: Thoughts from Romans 1 & 2


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Girl, it seems there is something going on in your life.  Things are so crazy these days.  I haven't even really seen you with my own eyes for months.  Little message exchanges did not give me a clue as to what's really up.  I guess we can blame it on the world crisis, but I'm afraid it goes back way before.

I remember you as the cutest little toddler with your black untamable curls.  You were a happy baby, or so I thought.  I was in your house often, and in your life.  I held you sometimes at church so your mother could listen to the sermon.  I spoke to you in English and sang silly songs.  I prayed for you.

I'd like to think I had some influence in your life, but times and things moved us apart for several years, no fault of yours or mine.  But those were tough years for your curly head, and for mine.  And then by some little miracle one day I found myself in front of your new house knocking on the door.  I was back in.  I prayed.

The next years we crossed paths more but you were beyond sitting on my lap and hearing silly songs.  I was busier and you were older, but we had some moments.  Life was different for you with a new family of sorts and old ghosts in your head and heart.  I prayed. 

Now here we are at another crossroads, and yet another house.  I knock and I'm in for a bit.  We talk.  I listen.  You've changed.  Sadly I wasn't able to say all I wished.  My tongue went numb.  My words seemed muddled.  But I prayed.  

Here's some of my thoughts, perhaps one day you'll read them with an open heart and mind.  Perhaps I'll walk back in the door and there'll you be - happy, healthy and whole...

Romans 1:18-19 from the World English New Testament say:  God is angry. He has shown it from heaven. He is angry because of all the bad and wrong things people do. These people hold back God's truth by the wrong things they do.  They know about God. God himself has shown them.

Girl, I'm so sorry, but God is not very happy with you.  You know God.  I know because I was your Sunday School teacher time and again.  I know what you were taught and heard.  Sadly I also know what you saw at home.  So often the two did not match up.  

We all have stories.  We all have circumstances.  God only holds us responsible for ourselves and our actions.  God is upset with you for what you have chosen knowing full and well what He has said.  

Romans 1:20-22  People cannot see that God has power which lasts for ever. They cannot see that he is really God.  But ever since he made the world, he has clearly shown this by the things he made. So they cannot say, `I did not know about God.' Even though they knew he was God, they did not worship him as God. They did not thank him. Their thoughts were no good. Their foolish minds became dark. They said they were wise people, but they were foolish people.

Girl, when I said my spill the other day, I knew what your first answer would be!  I don't know.  I don't know if this is good or bad.  I don't know what God thinks at all.  It's the same line people have been giving God since Adam and Eve.  No one wants to take the blame.  Everyone wants to make the rules for their own game.  But the facts are clearly seen:  God exists, He made this world, He is real and you and I have choices to make as a result.  His way is better, it's perfect.

We want to believe in so many other possibilities.  People don't want that responsibility of knowing the truth about God.  Each one wants to trade that supposed burden of proof for anything but God.

Romans 1:22-25  They said they were wise people, but they were foolish people. They did not worship God who cannot die. But they worshipped things made to look like a man who does die. They worshipped things made to look like birds and animals and snakes. So God left them to do the things their hearts wanted to do. They did the things that are not right to do with their bodies. They did not respect their own bodies.  They would not believe what was true about God. They believed a lie. They worshipped and worked for something that was made by God. They did not worship God - God who made all things. He is the one to worship for ever. Amen. May it be so!

Girl, I hate to tell you, but you are believing a big, fat lie.  You think God doesn't want you to be happy.  You think you can't be happy with God.  It's a lie.  You say you want to respect who you really are with your new life, new choices and new decisions.  It's all untrue.  God knows.  He made that body of yours.  He knows.

You think you have it all figured out. You think no one else understands, especially an old missionary woman.  Even there you are so wrong.  I feel your pain.  I know it.  That wish for a little true happiness.  That rush of feeling that maybe you found it.  But, sweetheart, you haven't.  It may feel so for now.  But it's just a that - a rush.  It's like a drug that doesn't last and you will always need another fix.

Romans 1:26- 28 That is why God left them to do the wrong things they wanted to do. Their women left the right way for women and did things that are wrong for women to do.  Their men also left the right way with women. They wanted to have sex with one another. They did wrong things with other men. Their own bodies were punished because of the wrong things they did. They did not want to know God. So he left them to their wrong thoughts and to do things that are not right.

Friend, God is so good.  His plan for that perfect relationship is such an incredible one:  one faithful man and one faithful woman living in perfect harmony and peace.  But He lets us choose.  He wants us.  He wants our happiness, but He allows each one to make that big choice.  He's there, waiting, watching, pushing a little.  He's not like me - jabbing and poking and talking and praying and saying.  He's patient.  

Maybe, just maybe you don't really KNOW Him in all His glory truly.  I think I remember when you made your decision at church.  I remember when you were baptized.  Maybe you need to go back and walk through those steps again.  Because I know that real joy and peace are with God, not without.  I know it.

Romans 1:29-32 They were very bad. They did every kind of wrong thing. They were greedy. They hated people. They were very jealous. They killed many people. They fought. They fooled people. They told lies about people. They carried stories from one person to another. They said wrong things about people. They hated God. They did not respect people. They were proud. They talked big. They even thought of new wrong things to do. They did not obey their parents. They were foolish. They did not do what they said they would do. They did not love people. They were not kind. They know that God says that people who do such things should die. Even so, they not only do them, but they praise other people who do them.

Sweet thing, I know what some of your friends are saying.  Don't listen to that silly old woman.  She doesn't know a thing about you.  She hates you.  She's closed minded.  She's proud and thinks she's perfect.  She doesn't want you to really be happy.  Sorry girl, but I'm not perfect.  I've messed up time and again.  But I do know this - God forgives me every time.  I'm not judging you.  No, no.  God is the judge.  He made the book.  God is perfect, but He loves foolish, bad, ugly, lying people just like me. And just like you.  

It doesn't matter what you've done, or think you may do yet, He will be there to pick you up - when you are ready.  And I pray it might be soon.  Call me.  I'll be there.  I'll walk in.  I'll hold you up.  I'll help you see God for who He really, really is.  I'll love you.  God loves you much, much more.  I'm praying.


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