Can you help us pray over the next two weeks for these four? They need to be Covid-free to make the trip from Sobradinho in Bahia to the big city of São Paulo and on to the Peniel Bible Institute in Jacutinga, Minas Gerais. Classes start in early February. Students have been asked to arrive early. These four have tickets for January 25th.
Each one also needs around US$200 a month to pay for food and housing for the year of training. Some gifts have already come in, and Felipe has funds in his account leftover from last year. When classes went online, he did not have to pay since costs at the institute are not for tuition, just for eating and sleeping.
Each one of these four are active church members looking to serve the Lord with their lives in missions. Byron and I will miss them greatly over the next year. They have all been helping us in our interior work.
Felipe is a returning student. He completed the one year program and decided to go back to finish the more complete three year course. Pedro, Maria and Bruno will be new students. Pedro has initial plans to only complete the one year program, Maria as well. Bruno is interested in the full missionary preparatory course.
Your prayers are much appreciated!
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