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Showing posts from August, 2021

Video Letter for the Grands: September 1, 2021



  Yesterday someone in Lage dos Negros asked me what it is that I do...  Good question!  Every day is different!  My Fridays as a missionary don't look much like the other days of my week.  I don't take as many photos of people.  We travel in a dune buggy, and our visits are in homes, a little more personal.  I do often find willing goats just dying to get their picture taken. We leave our house in Sobradinho early in the morning and make various stops visiting people along dirt roads.  In some places Byron tells a Bible story for adults and prays.  In others he presents a more formal interactive Bible study.   My job is to take lots of snacks, help navigate ("Watch out for that...") and entertain kids along the way.  I take a Bible lesson and songs, but I never know exactly who I may find in each place.  Sometimes the crowd is small, sometimes it's big. Over the past two years that Byron and I have been traveling the dirt...

Crazy Missionary Lady

  When the Americans were in Lage, we had a delay as we were checking out of the little inn where we spent the night.  As we waited I encouraged the guys and girls to talk to all the people standing out staring at the foreigners.  To help add to the attractions, I "played steal the basketball" with kids that wanted to participate!  I gave a pretty good show! Years ago I did a little basketball playing at Piedmont Bible College.  Just a little!

Video Letter from Gramma: August 5, 2021