Goodness, what a year! After two years of no international travel with all the Covid mess, this year we hit the air running making two quick trips to the USA and one trip by plane to another state here in Brazil for a wedding. I saw snow four times in January and lots and lots of rain in our semi-arid region of Brazil as all of Bahia saw record amounts this year.
The Covid bug caught up with us in July and Byron ended up spending one night in the local hospital right in the middle of a missions team trip from the States. We have used our guest room this year over and over with visitors from Petrolina, Virginia, Lage dos Negros and other varied spots.
We have run the backroads of dirt and mud more times than I can count and added more stops to our regular route this year and more activities all around our target area. We have hauled young people, wheelchairs, puppies, guests, missions teams, benches and all kinds of crazy things on top of all of our vehicles.
And somewhere in the middle of it all, we were blessed beyond measure to see all of our family and our grandchildren twice in the same year, and meet our newest grandson born this September.What an incredible year! I have counted my blessings over and over all year long.
Sometimes the path seems solitary and long, a little dark and weary, but I can be thankful for so much.
Thank you, God, for caring for me in 2022.
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