Not me. I'll never do that. Don't even imagine it. No way. Not on your life.
Everywhere we went on during the past seven months while in the United States of America people would ask the same question. It may have been worded slightly differently, but basically it was the same and my answer was basically the same. What was the crazy question? When are you going to retire, come back to the USA and enjoy your grandchildren?
Well, well. This question could infer several things:
- We look old and tired
- We've been in Brazil since forever
- Churches are looking for newer missionaries
And always my answer?
- Not us
- We have a brand-new ministry
- We love our grandchildren even from afar
But the question is valid. As our parents age, as we age, as perhaps missions needs new blood in the game, old missionaries must consider their future on the field. Have we thought about the next ten years? Yup. We have. We plan to visit our grandchildren and parents more often. We plan to get fresh missionaries on the field doing our jobs. We plan to allow the Lord to guide us and show us how to proceed over the years to come.
By the way, old we are not.
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