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Showing posts from December, 2011

On the Island

We will be away this weekend working out on the island as we host area church folk for the annual New Year's Eve Weekend Retreat. Take care.  Back soon!

Counting My Missionary Blessings

Our family eat most every meal together at the kitchen table. We can eat tropical fruit and drink juice made from fresh fruit every day. Our boys have never had to spend extended time away from home as MK's. We enjoy  good the friendship of good missionary colleagues. My father and mother wholly support what we do and visit often, as well as my husband's mother. Our boys participate in our ministry in many ways. We have good general health. We live in a small town where the boys can safely go most anywhere at anytime. We have enough financial support to take care of most of our needs with few worries. We serve a mighty God who loves and cares for us every single day.

Christmas Comes - Every Year

Christmas comes every year whether we are ready or not. We can't stop it or delay it. If we're not prepared it still shows up and doesn't just skip by unseen. I felt unprepared. I was sure there just weren't enough gifts. I didn't have a fancy meal planned. I didn't know what to do about church and Christmas being on Sunday. But Christmas came and it was fine. It was full of family fun and happiness. We got to make some calls to the States. We enjoyed time with our church family Sunday night. We had a great early celebration with our favorite missionary family in the next town. God was good and always is. And yes, Christmas comes every year, reminding us of God's Great Gift for all men! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! Christmas is a time to open our hearts to God and his gifts.  Just like the rest of the year. 

Is it Christmas?

It's hot Flies are buzzing around my head It's hot I'm sweating just a bit It's hot Thoughts of using the oven are well - hot It's hot The tree is decorated but it's just - not ... It's just not exactly Christmas...   p.s. Maybe I better go on and make those cookies to make the weekend seem more festive!

His Marvelous Works

Make know His deeds among the peoples Talk of all His wondrous works Remember His marvelous works which He has done Able to sleep last night after a long, somewhat frustrating day. One of my babes went to sleep after a fitful event. One of my sweets saw my need in a certain hour and met it with creativity. My dogs were home when we arrived. Found a few things on my long list in the big city. Got to see a friend and chat a little. Received some inspiration for a small project at church. This blog works even when nothing else on the net this week has been. God lead me to Psalm 105 this morning when I needed hope and inspiration for my day. The chirping birds and my Girl dog's morning greeting. I love my Creator God.

A Cast Iron Skillet Story

Chapter 1: Once upon a time a dear, elderly missionary lady sent a box of kitchen things my way.  Included in the box was a square, divided cast iron skillet.  It was a little rusty, but I oiled it up and set it aside.  At that time a family from our work in Fortaleza was living on the island.  The wife had not brought all of her dishes, pots and pans along in their move.  She asked if perhaps I had a couple of old pans or pots that she could use.  Since she was going to be using a typical Brazilian style wood cook stove, I thought the heavy, iron pan might be a good thing to let her have.  So, being the good, little, helpful missionary woman that I am, I gladly gave up the cute, little square griddle and sent it on its way to the island along with a super-nifty round skillet that was just right for making tapioca pancakes.  It was heavy, but not iron.  Chapter 2: Once upon a time, I sat on the back porch of the caretaker's house on the...

Just a Little Note

Just a small message to all my IRL, cyber, FB and SP friends! I'm having major problems with our hillbilly internet provider here in Sobradinho.  Hope it's all resolved soon.  Can't get on my Wordpress blogs for the boys' school activities or on Sparkpeople.  Facebook is limited to some pages but not all. Go figure!  Just letting ya know!


Yes, I'm a little behind.  But it's okay, I have good reason.  I took the month of November off from all things Internet and tried to keep my schedule simple.  On November 9th my father and mother arrived to spend the month with us.  We had an incredible month.  Words just can't tell it all, so I'll let a few well chosen photos say just a little tonight.   Juazeiro 8 congregation Island fun Shopping in Petro I'm so thankful for my parents and grateful for the time we were able to share.  My heart overflows with thanksgiving leftover from the month of November!  Look for more posts about our time spent together over the next week!