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Showing posts from October, 2012

It Grew

Remembering and Planning

Golly, who was I pregnant with here?  Had to have been Greyson I guess.  How does time fly and a poor woman can't even remember these things any more... Planning to do some slowing down at the end of this year and a little remembering! I'm going to be gone for a bit, but look for me later this month with some new and exciting stories.  Too many retreats and too much ESL work is draining my energies.  Don't fret!  I'll be back.

Book Review: The Book of Man

When the mailman on his motorcycle delivered the box  with this book, I had forgotten which book I had ordered from Booksneeze!  Sometimes the mail is just that slow from the USA to the middle of nowhere Brazil.  After opening the box and seeing the size of this book, I thought - Eeeek, how will I ever read the whole thing!  It's big!  But it's not just big - it's full!  It's full of great reading material for any young fellow on his way to becoming a man. I sat down that very afternoon and starting reading The Book of Man right away.  No, I have yet to finish it, but I have read enough to say that I like what I've seen and I plan to buy two more copies to have one for each of my three sons.  I am even considering using this book in our homeschool work this next year for literature. It would seem that William Bennett truly researched and searched for great literature to go along with the themes he felt necessary for a young man to know and c...

Little Red Jug

I had a little red jug I needed to fill So over the aft I lowered the canteen. Down it went hanging on a cable, Dangling, swinging, bobbing in the wind. I dunked the jug into the cool, clear water, Only to find the mouth of my pot all askew. The op'ning high, the water lower, So I gave a good jerk trying anew. I figured if only a little would go in, The beaker would go under and all would be well. Up and down I made that little jug swing, When all of a sudden it flew and it fell! Oh dear, oh my, what to do now. I thought as my treasure bobbled up and down. I ripped off some clothing and grabbed a life jacket And over the bow I dove in a after it! I swam and I swam to no avail As the wind carried my hope like a flung sail. Finally I turned back bellowing like a hurt whale. Back to the boat with much travail. I cried and cried and figured it gone, But alas as we moved later on, The fugitive was spotted on a sand bar. We rescued that jug and let up a happy ...