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Showing posts from November, 2012

Thankful Heart

My heart was full last night as my family got ready to decorate our tree. All my boys are big now and not all were entirely interested in the old tradition. But regardless I was determined not to just "get it done" but also to enjoy and savor the moments. I was called away in the beginning of our time with a church member needing a little help with her elderly mother.  I could have said no, but hurried along and got home quickly from the errand just in time to serve some extra Thanksgiving pie with a smile. Thursday we spent the day with missionary friends on the other side of our giant lake. We all enjoyed a traditional holiday meal and took advantage of the time to squeeze in a little chemistry with our chem lab prof/ missionary uncle. My dear missionary colleague planned to make bread and butter pickles in the afternoon so we were able to take home a big jar of pickles as a treasure from the day.  Yum!  Yum! Three Pie Day - Pumpkin, Coconut Macaroon...

Power of Prayer

The shared prayers of mothers for their children, wives for their husbands, women for their world - powerful ! This past Saturday I was privileged to attend a valley-wide women's meeting in the next town with five other ladies from our church work.  Part of the time during these biannual gatherings is spent in small group prayer. Sharing requests with these two dear ladies that I only see from time to time was emotional and empowering.  I firmly believe that women need such meetings for personal growth and encouragement. Another part of these regular encounters that always means so much to me is the group hugging session! Yeah!  A particular chorus is sung during which everyone is to "get up and shake hands."  This translated into Brazilian Portuguese means walk all around and hug and kiss everyone you possibly can before the music stops.  I love it and always enjoy seeing women I've seen before at other meetings and from retreats  out at our ...

Missionary Aunt

8 years ago today I became a real Aunt with a capital A.  I was no longer just a missionary aunt to MK's but a true blood relative to a real-live little person.  What emotions went through my heart as I heard of his safe delivery!  He was healthy and yes, he had all his toes and fingers. My Mom and Dad were on hand to see the baby come into the world and help take care of mother and father after his arrival. Alas, the little guy was in America and me, I was in that orange section of Brazil marked with a big BA. I would not see my first nephew for another four years until our next furlough. Ah, but the day did arrive and I was able to meet not just one real nephew but three!  You see that first fellow now had two more brothers!  Four years is a long time. We had lots of adventures on that furlough year in the States.  I remember this day well when we went to a local science museum. As I watched all MY little nephews in the play area I kn...