First of all let me say that I've had some great doctors in Brazil whom I appreciated and who really work hard to treat the patients with kindness and respect. They are few and far between, rarities in a land of public hospitals that often have no bandages or medicine. They are fine jewels in a place where even private, paid clinics where patients get no respect. Thursday I went in to get a sonogram at a paid clinic where I have been seen before. This time was a little different. Each of the other visits where arranged by the doctor I had seen. My doctor called the chief of operations at the sonogram/mammogram clinic and said basically, Put this person in line. I'm sending them over right now and I want special treatment. This time I was on my own and oh woe was me! I know how these things work in Brazil. I've stood in many a line and jumped places in a few - yes, when in Rome sometimes you have to know how to fight like a Greek wrestler to ...
Just a mama trying to bloom where she is planted in the dry Northeast of Brazil.