Don't we look cute! This was taken on Easter Sunday. Just me and the last peep in the nest. My little chick-a-dee is getting a little too big for the coop. But, I decided to enjoy a photo with the handsome bird for good old times. All too soon he'll be flying off for blue skies in other necks of the woods.
Being overseas and away from two of our boy and now two of our grandbabes and our own mothers can be hard on any holiday, but it's especially bittersweet on Mother's Day. People around me seem to have the "oh-you-must-be-used-to-this-by-now" attitude while they talk about not seeing their own mother since last month or last week or gabbing on and on about their cute little grandchildren who will be coming to visit them on Sunday. Well, I ask, how can anyone just "be used to it" when it comes to being far from loved ones on special days. Nonetheless I usually keep my culturally and friendly respectful trap closed and just do the smile and wave thing with a happy look on my face.
Regardless of mixed feelings there are some things that I can know for certain. I know of my love for my boys and grandbabes and for my Mom. I know of their love for me. I know we will see each other soon enough in one place or another. I know that each of us is doing what God would have of us at this moment in time. I can be thankful for how God is working in the lives of my loved ones. I can know that our bound is stronger than many who see each other face to face every day.
So stuck it up, and smile this Sunday! Be happy and get set for that next time together in 2018! Get the party invitations ready and the party platters from Walmart and Food Lion! Cuz' we have a lot of holidays to squeeze into one furlough!
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