Love Letter

You, me and cousin Mariyah
Jane Atha in early 2022.

This is a letter of love for a little fellow soon to be adopted.  His time with our family was sweet, and we all pray for his future to be full of joy and that he might come to know Christ as his Savior in due time.  

I am so glad I got to meet you in person, Mr. Kamren.  

We love you, Kamren Isaiah Carey!

Gramma Michele and Vovô Byron

PDF version

Greensboro Science Center in January 2022.
You are on Uncle William Atha's shoulders.

March 2022

Christmas 2021 at Grandaddy Vicent Beckner's,
you were there on the day after.

In front of the old Dehart homestead
with Granny Atha in January 2022.

Written for Kamren Isaiah Carey
Born April 1, 2020 in Greensboro, North Carolina


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