A Little Friend


Would you pray for my little friend, Amanda? Her parents are our island caretakers. They are making very poor decisions in their lives right now. Amanda is only 8 but has been kicked out of school two different times. She is not living on the island right now so that she can go to a new school in our town. She has been coming to our Sunday School at church.  This past weekend our boys were invited to join in as campers at the retreat on the island since it was for children.  I asked if Amanda who was out on the island this week could participate as well.   I spent most of the second retreat with her since she did not know many of the other boys and girls.  She told others that I was her counselor.  Each morning she was waiting outside my cabin before the crack of dawn.  One day coming up from the beach she told me that "Jesus is the best way!"  I am praying and speaking with her about how she can be a successful young lady and how Jesus is the way to find that true sucess and happiness in life!



  1. Such a pretty little girl.I'll pray for her and her family. I hope you are having a good week.


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