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Showing posts from September, 2010

Home - What a Sweet Word!

Rua Araras, 12 Home - Where I throw off my shoes at the door Where I sleep in whatever I want Where I can get up in the middle of the night and go to the refrigerator Where the ones I love live and laugh Where my doggies run through the house and jump for joy to see me Where I have my flowers planted outside the kitchen door Where my treasures are displayed on shelves and walls Where I can quietly sit in my special place and just do nothing (for a bit!) Ah, it's so good to have a home.  And tonight to be in it!  More on my travels through Para and Piaui later this week!

A Sign Please!

Recently I asked the Lord for a sign.  You know, a little Gideon's fleece.  Some important events are coming up in my life and I wished for some signal of approval, some indication that I was proceeding in the right direction. This past weekend, God gave me not just one, but 3 little banners to show His love for me. 1.  A Falling Star.  Byron and I went in together from the island Sunday night to lead the services at our church work in Sobradinho.  This was a first for me.  Usually one of the boys goes along to keep Byron company.  I piloted the boat on the coming in and on the way back he did.  As we pulled out of the canal, I saw a falling star.  Byron and I had the best time on our trip back in and the time was well spent. 2.  A Good Read.  This weekend I reread  Tramp for the Lord by Corrie Ten Boom and was reminded of how much I have for which to be thankful and what a great task we have to share God's love every...

Happy Day

Every once in a while we get to see a little glimpse of the reason of our being on the mission field.  This morning we were privileged to go along with the young man who is now working along with Byron to the Justice of the Peace.  Adilson and his beautiful bride, Luizineide, have been together as man and wife for six years, but had never gone to have their union written on the books in a court of law.  They have been faithful to each other and now it was good to see them also make the decision to be faithful to the laws of the land. Pray for this young couple as we pray that soon they will make the most important decision of their lives to be faithful to the laws of God and accept Jesus as their rightful Lord and Savior.  They have been attending some church services these days at our congregation.  Adilson is a honest, hard worker who help has been tremendous in these past months for Byron.  Luizineide is kind-hearted and a good mother to their five ...

Sons, Childbirth, Doctors

I found this little entry in a folder marked "My First Son" this week.  Perhaps that was the actual name I gave it or perhaps Word did it since those are the first words!  I do not remember!  From time to time someone asks me about having given birth to all my boys here in Brazil, so here's a little of my story...  William in my arms, 1996, Fortaleza My first son, William, was born in Fortaleza, Brazil.  It's a city of several million located in Northeast Brazil.  In the States while on deputation, I had two miscarriages.  One was never really defined beyond the point of God's will.  It occurred around 9 weeks.  The second was a molar pregnancy.  There was a fetus, but it developed a form of molar cancer.  That pregnancy also ended around 9 - 10 weeks.  The year following the second miscarriage, I was tested each month for any signs of cancer. None were ever found.  Each time I went in for a regular check-up onl...