A Sign Please!

Recently I asked the Lord for a sign.  You know, a little Gideon's fleece.  Some important events are coming up in my life and I wished for some signal of approval, some indication that I was proceeding in the right direction.

This past weekend, God gave me not just one, but 3 little banners to show His love for me.

1.  A Falling Star.  Byron and I went in together from the island Sunday night to lead the services at our church work in Sobradinho.  This was a first for me.  Usually one of the boys goes along to keep Byron company.  I piloted the boat on the coming in and on the way back he did.  As we pulled out of the canal, I saw a falling star.  Byron and I had the best time on our trip back in and the time was well spent.

2.  A Good Read.  This weekend I reread  Tramp for the Lord by Corrie Ten Boom and was reminded of how much I have for which to be thankful and what a great task we have to share God's love everywhere we go.

3.  A Sail with a Son.  Dalton took his first solo sail in the Laser this weekend and I got to ride along on one of his trips around the little bay of the island.  This was a super special blessing and a wonderful thing to share with one of my sons.

Thank you, dear Lord, for giving me a few little physical "signs" of your great love for me!

Song of Solomon 2:4 

He brought me to the banqueting house, 

and his banner over me was love.


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