Every once in a while we get to see a little glimpse of the reason of our being on the mission field. This morning we were privileged to go along with the young man who is now working along with Byron to the Justice of the Peace. Adilson and his beautiful bride, Luizineide, have been together as man and wife for six years, but had never gone to have their union written on the books in a court of law. They have been faithful to each other and now it was good to see them also make the decision to be faithful to the laws of the land.
Pray for this young couple as we pray that soon they will make the most important decision of their lives to be faithful to the laws of God and accept Jesus as their rightful Lord and Savior. They have been attending some church services these days at our congregation. Adilson is a honest, hard worker who help has been tremendous in these past months for Byron. Luizineide is kind-hearted and a good mother to their five year old son, Idson. She has recently started to clean the church building here in Sobradinho. She does a wonderful and careful job each week.
Oh, that we might live to see the day, dear Lord, when these two accept you as the faithful caretaker of their very souls making their home complete and good!
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