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Lost Stuff

Seems the people in my house are always losing things and that I am the one who has to find them.  While we were staying in Eden there in the old "Uncle Bob" house, Dalton lost something another just about every day.  Usually I found whatever it was within minutes - either on his bed, one that table by the big recliner chair, or on the table that was between the two beds in the room where Dalton and Greyson slept.  Several times Dalton just had to smile as I found whatever it was in seconds.

Sadly I didn't find Greyson's Portuguese Bible before we left the States.  The day before we left, Greyson commented that he couldn't seem to find it.  I looked rapidly around but not extensively thinking it would show up as we were cleaning and organizing to go.  The day we were to leave there was still no sign of the little black Bible.  I looked under the bed where Greyson had been sleeping and all around that little table.  I looked in his backpack.  I thought about whether it had already been packed somewhere and wondered about that.  I searched around that side porch and all around the big couch and the recliner.  I asked lots of Where did you see it last type questions.

Well, Dalton found it a day or so after we left.  It was under the pillow on the bed where Greyson slept.  Go figure that out!  Did Greyson sleep with it under his head and didn't feel it  or forgot?  Who knows?  But now it is there and Greyson is here!

On the day we arrived there was no Internet in the house because the bill had not been paid for August.  Uncle Byron asked Greyson to ride up to the office of our Internet provider and pay the bill.
He gave Greyson the little payment booklet and BR$50.  Greyson got out his recline bike to go and off he went.  After a long while he came back with a sad look on his face.  He told me that he had lost the money.  Actually he explained that he lost the booklet and the money out of his pocket but found the booklet on his way home near the corner.  Since he sits reclined and had on slick shorts the two items had slid right out of his pocket when he rounded the corner to get on the big road.

I ran out the door for him to show me where he had found the booklet.  By then it had already been close to 30 minutes since he would have lost the stuff.  I looked this way and that but saw no money laying around and no people with happy faces that may have found it.

Then I turned to see Uncle Byron talking and walking with Greyson on the other side of the road.  Greyson was showing his Papa exactly where he had found the booklet.  Uncle Byron took a handful of pink papers about the size of paper money notes and threw them up into the air.  The wind took them up in the air and then they started floating down here and there.  Within seconds Uncle Byron yelled - Woo Hoo!  He had found the fifty real note as he watched the pink papers landing in the grass in a big praça on the other side of the road.

Seems there is a science to finding lost things!

God has a unique plan to find lost souls that need Him.  Sometimes it's through hard times that make a person look to God for answers.  Sometimes it's through a kind word from a Christian friend.  Aren't we glad that God never stops looking!  I sort of gave up on finding Greyson's Bible and even thought the money was impossible to find.  But God loves lost sinners so much that He never ever gives up and keeps searching and looking for ways to bring the wanderers to Him.

For the Son of man is come to seek
 and to save that which was lost.  Luke 19:10
I'm so glad that I found the Savior and that He found me!


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