Look what pulled up in front of my porch this past week! A real, bonafide 1929 Ford Model A. The owner had come by for Byron to take a look at the wiring on the headlights. Last month the owner found out about Byron's mechanical abilities and asked if he would have a look at his old car. The fellow had come upon it a few years ago and was working to get it road ready. Byron helped him out and now the man is running all over town - but didn't have any headlights for night runs! Now he has headlights, too.
Can you imagine? Here we are in the middle of nowhere Brazil and someone in town has such a car!
It was a real treat for Byron to help work on it. Byron wouldn't accept any payment at all, so the owner bought him a new dress shirt for church - which was much needed and accepted!
Check back next Friday to see what comes by my front porch!
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