Do you have some memory that includes recalling what you ate and how good is was?
I do! I can recall several moments in time because of the incredible taste of some dish or dessert. When Byron and I traveled to Salvador for our twentieth wedding anniversary, we ate at a small Italian pizzeria in the little village of shops at Praia do Forte. The workers were speaking Italian to each other and even had Italian music playing on their speakers. They baked the pizza in a large brick oven and we could see into the oven from our table. I had bruschetta and Byron had some pasta dish. I can still remember the smells and sounds and the taste of the food.
We had been traveling with Uncle Harold Reiner to see the cave paintings of Capivara and the Serra das Confusões in the state of Piaui. We had crossed over the top of the "Confusion Mountains" the night before. We were all tired, hungry, and slightly lost. But we had to keep going on or get stuck in the middle of nowhere at night. It was raining. It was a mess and all the boys and I were ready to call it quits. After we finally got out of the national park, we stopped at the first little place to stay that we could find. And the food was great! It was the best tapioca ever and it was the first time I had ever had carne de sol (sun-dried beef) with cuscuz (steamed corn meal). I had tasted cuscuz plenty of times but never with carne de sol. It was the most wonderful thing I had ever tasted! Yeah, we were hungry, but it was good.
Do you have any great food related memories?
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