This, That, and Long Ago
There we are. I was so happy. I had found and bought matching outfits for my three boys just before a furlough. It would be our youngest first. I don't remember how, but we went to a professional photographer for some family portraits. It may have been in an attempt to get that perfect shot for a new prayer card. Everyone was happy except the little one. I seem to remember that he was sleepy and just needed a nap.
Ah, the days when my hair was still red and Byron's was still dark blond. We were young and happy. Our boys were healthy and content. We had finished things up with the church plant where we had been for a few years the year before. We had helped out at a great church for a year and we were all set to move to another region after furlough where we would start working with a camp.
Oh, what we did not know way back then. The camp would eventually close. One of our major missionary team members would pass away. We would change mission boards. Our truck would break down and yes, as any good Southern country song would have it - our best dog died. Lots of heartaches, lots of griefs.
But here we are. We didn't run off. We didn't give up. We got a new truck. We found news dogs, and even a cat. We found new ways to serve. God sent new team members. And the good list goes on.
See that smile! Yes, there will always be heartaches and difficulties on the mission field and in everyday USA life. But you just have to trust God and keep on pressing on. It's not easy. Sometimes it means pressing along without many smiles, but we firmly believe that our work in Brazil is a divine calling. If God called us here, we will stick it out until He calls us somewhere else.
Recently we've seen some disappointments. But just packing it up and leaving just is not an option. Besides it would take months to pack it all up and it just isn't worth the effort! Seriously, it's always better to wait and patiently see what God would have. Pray as we look for new preaching points in our interior evangelism, deal with broken motors and expensive car parts, and look to the author and finisher of our faith to lead us well.
Thankful for some super encouragement this week from two special ladies. The framed print on the left is from a missionary friend. She happened upon it in the big city and thought of me. I just love it. The hanging blue cloth with umbrellas is from a friend who just came back from a missionary trip to Mozambique. She happened upon this "capulana" in a marketplace and said she immediately thought of me and had to buy it. Yes, I love it. It's hanging while I think of cutting it to make a dress or just having it finished and leaving it whole for a table cloth or traditional wrap skirt.
God knows and He cares!
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