On a fine sunny day in late September, Papa Byron and Gramma Michele hopped on a jet plane to head to North Carolina in hopes of being on time for the arrival of our third grandchild. He beat us by a few hours, but we got to see the little fellow when he was only a day and a half old. We couldn't have asked for more!

And everyone got a chance to pose for a photo with
the star of the show!
Great Grandma Beckner and Great Grandaddy Beckner, Aunt Kerri and even Papa Scott. Mr. Logan slept through most of the photo sessions!
Mother and Father of Logan are well and doing great with #3 in their nest.
We also were thankful to be present for the pastoral ordination services of our oldest, William Atha.
He was examined and ordained over the weekend of October 1st and 2nd at Community Baptist Church in Reidsville, NC. William is a third-generation pastor. We pray as God leads him in his ministry.
We were blessed to visit Greyson at North Greenville University. He will finish up his undergraduate studies in music this spring. We plan to be present for his graduation and senior recital. Pray that we can work out all the details to make this important moment happen.
Byron and I also had one afternoon to visit a favorite mountain spot, Hanging Rock State Park. We borrowed a "moty-cicle" for the ride!
Our days were short but good. Even our ride to the airport was a joyful moment with our chauffeur especial.
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